10 DAYS IN A MADHOUSE - The Nellie Bly Story had an astoundingly successful screening at the Festival de Cannes on May 17th. The audience remained seated through the entire ending credit sequence then burst into applause. "You emotionally moved every person in the audience. You have a winner," said a retired major studio president. I look forward to sharing with you the making of this film and the entire Cannes experience. Variety magazine reported that 10 DAYS IN A MADHOUSE to be Top Trending the week of Cannes! That's fantastic!
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10 Days In A Madhouse opens in US Theaters November 20, 2015.
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10 DAYS IN A MADHOUSE - THE NELLIE BLY STORY - Official US THEATRICAL Trailer. In US Theaters September 25th, 2015. Starring Caroline Barry, Christopher Lambert, Julia Chantrey, Kelly Le Brock, Alexandra Callas
Posted by 10 Days In A Madhouse on Friday, April 10, 2015