TOMORROW'S TODAY - ASL Song Starring Amelia Hensley - Lyric Video

 TOMORROW'S TODAY - ASL Song Starring Amelia Hensley - Lyric Video

Broadway star and deaf talent Amelia Hensley (Broadway's "Spring Awakening", Playwrights Horizon, Station 19 (ABC/Hulu), Sesame Street" performs the theme song from the motion picture "Tomorrow's Today". Comedy film "Tomorrow's Today" is directed by Timothy Hines and produced by Susan Goforth, and is streaming worldwide on Amazon, AppleTV, Tubi, Filmzie, Plex, Roku, FuboTV + dozens more platforms and can be purchased on DVD here. "Tomorrow's Today" is subtitled in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German and French.

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Actress Amelia Hensley in "Tomorrow's Today" ASL SignSong Lyric Video
